Code of Conduct

Parent and Spectator Code

·         Parents/Guardians are responsible for the close supervision of their children at all times

·         Fans are entitled to enjoy their experience free from disruptive or inconsiderate behaviors or unruly actions

·         Dont embarrass children by behaving poorly in arena

·         Refrain from using abusive language or obscene gestures

·         Report inappropriate behavior to Facility Staff

Arena Code

·         Respect all people and property at FCA

·         No deliberate destruction, damage, or misuse of property. Anyone causing damage will be held responsible

·         Do not run or play games in the main lobbies, spectator areas or Restaurant and Lounge

·         Shooting pucks is prohibited everywhere except on the ice surface

·         No throwing objects in public areas of the facility  

·         No unsatisfactory conduct;

Unsatisfactory conduct on/in FCA property includes but may not be limited to:

o   Immoral conduct or indecency

o   Possession of an illegal weapon

o   Fighting

o   Abusive or obscene language

o   Threatening, intimidating or coercing patrons or staff for any purpose

o   Refusing to respond to staff directives

o   Creating or contributing to unsafe or unsanitary conditions

o   No loud noise devices (ie. air horns, megaphones etc..)


Any person disrespecting this Code of Conduct may be ejected from the facility at the discretion of FCA staff


Play Safe and Enjoy!